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Spacial 3d modelling in Unity exploring parametric modelling, texturing and animation to be experienced as a gameplay.
Partner - Tammy Shane
Softwares - Unity 3D, Grasshopper, Rhino, Make Human, Photoshop, Vray
Spacial 3d modelling in Unity exploring parametric modelling, texturing and animation to be experienced as a gameplay.
Partner - Tammy Shane
Softwares - Unity 3D, Grasshopper, Rhino, Make Human, Photoshop, Vray
Spacial 3d modelling in Unity exploring parametric modelling, texturing and animation to be experienced as a gameplay.
Partner - Tammy Shane
Softwares - Unity 3D, Grasshopper, Rhino, Make Human, Photoshop, Vray
wetransfer game
horse connect the dots
fakeadco + nollywood ref + memezar
the original inspiration simon ka site
the art of looking sidewats
steal like an artist
ash persomality check
background colour justification
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